ࡱ> OQN Jbjbj =LJ,,,,4`,`f@<<<<$xR<<sss^<<ssss<p!Hh#u.s00`sssXss` : MERGEFIELD DATA "\\\\ABCNT5002\\FINANCE\\MASTERFILE\\CTDocuments\\Standard Letters\\Exemptions\\Merge Files\\Max 6 mths.doc"  INCLUDEPICTURE "../../../Ctax%20Comino%20Templates/letterhead%20logo.bmp" \* MERGEFORMAT \d  MERGEFIELD d Kintyre House, Snipefield Industrial Estate, Campbeltown, Argyll, PA28 6SY Tel: 01546 605511 Fax: 01586 553050 If phoning please ask for Council Tax Name___________________________________________ Subject Address___________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Council Tax Reference Number_______________________ Dear Sir/Madam COUNCIL TAX 50% DISCOUNT DWELLINGS UNDER REPAIR In terms of the Council Tax (Discount for Unoccupied Dwellings)(Scotland) Regulations 2005, any unoccupied dwelling which is undergoing or requires major repair work to render it habitable, or is undergoing structural alteration shall be entitled to a 50% discount for up to 6 months from the date it was purchased by the person liable to pay Council Tax in respect of that dwelling. If major repair work is being carried out, documentary evidence is required such as a copy of the schedule of work and a letter from contractor confirming the dates the work commenced and anticipated date of completion, Building Warrant if applicable. All documentary evidence must accompany this application form. To enable this reduction to be implemented please supply the details requested below, sign the declaration and return this form along with the relevant documentary evidence to the above address. Please also attach copy of your Council Tax Notice for your main place of residence if outwith Argyll & Bute. Note: If the property has been unoccupied for 24 months or over and is still undergoing repairs, after the 50% discount has expired a 10% Discount can be applied for a further 6 months. APPLICATION: I confirm that I am the person liable to pay Council Tax for the above property and that it has no permanent residents. The situation has existed since / / (insert date). I purchased this property on / / (insert date). My main residence is: _________________________________________ (insert address) _________________________________________ I declare that the information on this form is true and complete and I authorise Argyll & Bute Council to verify the details. If discount status no longer applies to this property, I undertake to notify Argyll & Bute Council within 21 days of this occurring. I understand that failure to provide this information is an offence which may make me liable for an initial fine of 50 and 200 for each subsequent offence. Signature of liable person _________________________________ Date: _________________ Contact Number__________________________ Email Address____________________________ Data Protection Fair Processing Notice: ɬ Council, will primarily use the information you have supplied on this form for the collection and administration of Council Tax. You have a statutory duty to provide the information. The level of Council Tax charged must be accurate and the Council will use information from other agencies to check liability for Council Tax and minimise fraud and error where it is necessary to do so. We share information with other sections of the Council and other organisations external to the Council where it is lawful to do so. A full privacy notice is available at /privacy/council-tax .You have a right to apply for a copy of the information we hold about you, and to have any inaccuracies corrected. Should you wish to exercise this right, your request must be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer, Argyll & Bute Council, Kilmory, Lochgilphead, PA31 8RT, mail HYPERLINK "mailto:iain.jackson@argyll-bute.gov.uk"iain.jackson@argyll-bute.gov.uk or telephone 01546 604188. 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