Current and planned roadworks
You can find details of all upcoming and current roadworks by searching on the - you can filter the results by postcode and/or date to find out about any roadworks happening in your area.
For real time roadworks and traffic information on our trunk roads (A82, A83, A85, A828), visit the
For information about temporary road closures and restrictions, visit our Traffic Orders page.
We continue to deliver the annual programme with regular updates via the below link to the Roads Capital Programme.
Scheme values are subject to revision, within the agreed budget limits, due to recent increases in Bitumen Products and fuel prices affecting manufacture and delivery rates.
Roads Capital Programme 2024/25
Our Roads Capital 2024/25 Programme sets our annual plans for surface dressing in 2024/25. We update this regularly with progress on each project:
Roads Capital Programme 2024/25
Service Disruptions
Check our service disruptions page for details of any road closures or major disruptions to roads in the area.
Reporting problems
It's easy to report problems on the roads such as potholes, or street lights out, using these online forms:
Check the roads before you travel
You can check our road cameras at various locations across ÓûÂþɬ to see the road conditions before you travel.
Winter road maintenance
You can check the daily forecast and road treatment plans, find out more about gritting routes and our plans for keeping the roads clear and moving in our Winter maintenance section: