As part of the Tarbert and Lochgilphead Regeneration Fund, £3 million has been allocated to promote the regeneration and economic development of the Mid Argyll area.
The initial criteria for the fund were agreed by ÓûÂþɬ Council’s Policy and Resources Committee on 12 May 2016.
The agreed criteria for assessment of projects are:
- Ability to create jobs, grow the population and/or stimulate private sector activity that will deliver these results;
- Extent to which they support the delivery of the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) particularly in terms of the overall objective (ÓûÂþɬ’s economic success is built on a growing population) as well as long-term outcomes 1, 2 and 3 (The economy is diverse and thriving; We have infrastructure that supports sustainable growth; and education, skills and training maximises opportunities for all);
- Whether the proposal is included within the Council’s MAKI Economic Development Action Plan;
- The amount of match funding from partners;
- Demonstration of SMART economic and social outcomes for each community; and/or
- Their contribution to overcoming barriers to economic growth and sustaining prosperous communities.
The report also highlighted that in order to maximise the benefit from the fund it was intended that a small number of larger projects will be progressed.
The areas which are the focus of this funding are the main town of Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig, the key settlement of Tarbert and the immediately surrounding areas
Inveraray, the other key settlement within the Mid Argyll and Kintyre area, was at that time the subject of a Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme.
The proposed projects
As agreed by Policy and Resources Committee, rather than replicate previous consultation events, we have aimed to use existing initiatives such as the Crinan Canal Charrette, Mid Argyll Initiative (MAi Plan) and Community Action Plans to inform the proposals coming forward.
In identifying potential projects we have been in contact with:
- Ardrishaig Community Council (ACC)
- Ardrishaig Community Trust (ACT)
- Dalriada Arts and Culture (DAC)
- Lochgilphead Community Council (LCC)
- Lochgilphead Phoenix Project (LPP)
- Mid Argyll Community Pool (MAC)
- Mid Argyll Initiative (MAI)
- Mid Argyll Youth Development Services (MAYDS)
- Scottish Canals (SC)
- Tarbert and Skipness Community Council (TSCC)
- Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust (TSCT)
- Tarbert Harbour Authority (THA)
We have also taken into consideration the following documents and consultations:
- Crinan Canal Corridor Charrette Report and Draft Action Plan – June 2016
- Tarbert and Skipness Community Action Plan 2016 – 2021 – informed by priorities highlighted by TSCT and TSCC
- Tarbert Harbour Authority Strategic Plan – May 2016
- Lochgilphead: Looking to the Future – February 2016.
13 potential projects within Tarbert and 29 potential projects within Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig were put forward:
Project Name | Project Location |
Tarbert Housing Infrastructure | Tarbert |
Barmore Road (A83)/Garvel Road junction improvement | Tarbert |
Upgrade White Shore Path | Tarbert |
Carrick to West Loch Shores and Kennacraig Walking/Cycle Link | Tarbert |
Community Hub | Tarbert |
Car Parking | Tarbert |
Indoor Bowling Facility | Tarbert |
Skipness Water Supply | Skipness |
Skipness Bunkhouse | Skipness |
Pavement Improvements | Tarbert |
Harbour facilities | Tarbert |
Tarbert Harbour Wi-Fi Service | Tarbert |
Tarbert flood defences | Tarbert |
Ardrishaig-Lochgilphead Cycling Link | Lochgilphead & Ardrishaig |
Bishopton Road Junction Improvements | Lochgilphead |
Lochgilphead-Cairnbaan Path | Lochgilphead & Cairnbaan |
Signage | Lochgilphead & Ardrishaig |
Events programme | Lochgilphead & Ardrishaig |
Marine Tourism Facilities | Ardrishaig |
Art and Cultural Facilities | Lochgilphead |
Parking provision review | Lochgilphead |
Corran Nature Area | Lochgilphead |
Lochgilphead Front Green | Lochgilphead |
Argyll Street | Lochgilphead |
Lochgilphead Back Lanes | Lochgilphead |
Ardrishaig North Public Realm Improvements | Ardrishaig |
Skate Park | Lochgilphead or Ardrishaig |
Chalmers Street Shops and Flats | Ardrishaig |
Ardrishaig South Public Improvements | Ardrishaig |
Gleaner Oil Site | Ardrishaig |
Linnet Shed | Cairnbaan |
Bridge House Hotel | Ardrishaig |
MAC Pool redevelopment | Lochgilphead |
Corran / Caravan site | Lochgilphead |
Badden Area | Lochgilphead |
Clock Lodge | Lochgilphead |
Fiddlesticks | Lochgilphead Tayvallich & Kilmichael |
7,000 Oaks | Argyll |
Ardrishaig Public Halls | Ardrishaig |
Lochgilphead Community Hub | Lochgilphead |
Improved walking and cycling routes in Lochgilphead | Lochgilphead |
Reuse empty spaces | Lochgilphead |
It would not be possible to fund all the projects put forward and therefore an assessment process has been undertaken. If a project isn’t progressed through the Tarbert and Lochgilphead Regeneration Fund it does not mean that it isn’t worthwhile progressing - just that it isn’t the best fit for this particular fund.
A two stage scoring process was undertaken. The first stage of scoring was focused on identifying projects which were in the correct locations, hadn’t yet started, might attract match funding and could be classed as large. For the purpose of classifying a project as large, consideration was given to the number of benefits it was expected to deliver.
Stage 1 scoring Tarbert Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig
The second stage of scoring was more detailed and looked at the likely impacts, affordability, deliverability and risks associated with the projects. These are standard aspects to be considered in any Council business plan and were considered against the criteria that had been pre-agreed by Policy and Resources Committee. A scoring mechanism was established and projects were assessed based on the information available at the time.
Stage 2 scoring Tarbert. Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig. Summary
An explanation of the process undertaken can be found in the report to the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands (MAKI) Area Committee.
Progressing projects
From this assessment, a proposed shortlist of projects was prepared. A report outlining the assessment process and the proposed shortlisted projects was considered by the MAKI Area Committee on 7 December 2016. The MAKI Area Committee identified the following shortlisted projects they would like to see progress to the next stage of assessment. Their decision was ratified by Policy and Resources Committee on 15 December 2016.
- Improvements to the Barmore Road and Garvel Road junction (Tarbert)
- Pavement and public realm improvements (Tarbert)
- Indoor bowling facility and sports hub (Tarbert)
- Improvements to harbour facilities (Tarbert)
- Ardrishaig and Lochgilphead cycling link
- Front Green improvements (Lochgilphead)
- Improvements to Argyll Street (Lochgilphead)
- Redevelopment of Mid Argyll Community Pool (Lochgilphead)
- Improvements to north public realm (Ardrishaig)
- Improvements to south public realm (Ardrishaig)
- .
An update on the Fund was provided to the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee on 5 April 2017.
The above 11 projects have been assessed and outline business cases completed. The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee considered the outcomes of the outline business cases on 6 September 2017. The decision of the MAKI Area Committee was referred to Policy and Resources Committee on 19 October 2017 for confirmation. A copy of the impact scoring is available here.
The six projects which will form the Tarbert and Lochgilphead Regeneration Fund are:
- Improvements to the Barmore Road and Garvel Road junction - Tarbert - Completed
- - Tarbert - Completed
- Front Green improvements - Lochgilphead - Onsite
- Improvements to Argyll Street - Lochgilphead - Completed
- Improvements to north public realm - Ardrishaig - At planning stage
- - Ardrishaig - Phase 1 complete