
Here to hear you in Soroba!

Have you heard about Here To Hear You?

It’s an opportunity for people to have a conversation with their council’s leadership and share their views on the big issues for the place where they live. 

The Here To Hear You series of community conversations is taking place all over ɬ, and on Monday 17th March the first in the series will happen in Soroba, Oban. 

Come along to Soroba Community Centre for 6.15pm on the night to talk with ɬ Council Leader, Cllr Jim Lynch and Chief Executive, Pippa Milne, about what’s important to people who live in Soroba. 

They’re keen to hear from you first and foremost about these questions and anything else you’d like to share about the place where you live:

  • If you could have a conversation with your council’s leadership, what would you like to say?
  • What do you wish they knew about your community?
  • What would you like to tell them about the place where you live?
  • What do you think are the big issues, the key questions, for your community?
  • Is there anything you’ve always wanted to talk about, but haven’t had the opportunity yet? 

This conversation with the Soroba community is part of a commitment made in ɬ Council’s strategic Priorities.

Jim and Pippa will visit communities across ɬ and its islands to engage with communities at grassroots level and using what they hear, and the knowledge shared, to help make local life and services better. 

“Communities and their council have a couple of key things in common. We’re both adapting to considerable challenges and changes, and we’re both committed to ensuring local life is as vibrant and successful as we can make it,” said Jim. 

 “There are areas of common ground as we consider together in conversation the places where we all live. There will be ways of working together we’ve not yet thought of. We believe that hearing straight from you is one of the best ways for all of us to make the most of what we have in common.

 “We particularly want to hear from people who may not otherwise have a chance to speak up but who have plenty to share. Hearing directly from you is the priority for us. What you have to say will help us shape our services, meet other priorities and, we hope, find ways of working together and adding our voice to yours where it counts. We’re looking forward to good, constructive conversations with as many people as possible.” 

for Soroba’s dedicated Here To Hear You community conversation on Monday 17th March. It’s free, doors open at 6pm, the conversation starts at 6.15pm and is expected to finish around 7.45pm. You can also share any questions or thoughts in advance by getting in touch at workingtogether@argyll-bute.gov.uk – please put Here To Hear You Soroba in the subject line. 

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