
Fourteen projects benefit from community funding

Fourteen community projects in ɬ have received a share of £365,000 from the Scottish Government's Community-Led Local Development Fund (CLLD). 

The fund gives local communities the power to tackle their own, local challenges through projects aimed at:

  • Eradicating child poverty 
  • Growing the economy
  • Tackling the climate emergency
  • Improving public services

The Argyll and the Islands Local Action Group (LAG) oversees the delivery of the fund, while the council is the accountable body responsible for administering it. Projects range from supporting the creation of a new family centre in Oban, to helping establish a new community gym on Tiree.

Councillor Math Campbell-Sturgess, the council’s Policy Lead for Business Development, said: “The Community-Led Local Development Fund provides community groups with the ability to tackle their own, unique local challenges.

“By building knowledge and skills, supporting new ideas and encouraging co-operation, the fund helps to create viable and resilient communities. I am delighted to see that such a diverse range of projects that have been successful in ɬ, and I wish them every success.”

Iain MacInnes MBE, Chair of the Argyll and the Islands Local Action Group, said: “ Across ɬ there are a huge range of organisations who do amazing work to help our communities thrive. This year, there were more applications to the fund than ever, meaning some very difficult decisions. We have been delighted to support projects this year which will help support our public services, respond to the climate and nature crises, grow our economy and help children and families in poverty.”

The Local Action Group is made up of representatives from local public bodies, charities, third sector organisations and other people with local expertise and knowledge. If you or your organisation would be interested in joining the LAG to shape funding in the future, please email CLLD@argyll-bute.gov.uk 

 The 14 successful projects are as follows:

Organisation Project
Lorn and Oban Healthy Options Ltd Elevate: A programme designed to support people with health issues get access to exercise and physical activity.
Homestart Lorn Family Centre: Opening a new family centre in Oban that will offer support to families with young children.
Tarbert Football Association Renovation of the pavilion at Cil Andreis playing field in Tarbert.
Argyll & the Isles Coast & Countryside Trust ACT Now – recycle: Refurbishment of donated bicycles, eBike technician training to expand the free eBike loan service with four additional donated eBikes, and re-establish bike units in Lochgilphead.
Tiree Community Gym Tiree Community Gym: Create a new community gym on Tiree.
Isle of Luing Community Trust Taste of Luing: Project to encourage the growth and use of local food and drink.
Islay and Jura Community Enterprise Development of Islay Public Leisure Services: Installation of swimming pool hoist at the McTaggart Centre to allow people with additional needs to use the facility.
South Islay Development Sonas Childcare Facility: Funding will secure the progression of a dedicated building for childcare on Port Ellen Playing Fields.
Interloch Transport The Interloch Transport Project: Funding will enable the Community Transport organisation to purchase a new accessible vehicle that will support people in the community to travel.
Campbeltown Community Business Cinema For All: A project to create equal access to cinema screenings for various groups including children from low-income families, older people, and food-bank users.
Project 81 Youth and Community Enterprise Ltd Community Centre: A combined project for additional staff costs to introduce new activities, expand services, and improve the lighting and fire alarm systems in the buildings.
The Actual Reality Trust Trailblaze: Refurbishment of the outdoor centre, and new projects to give young people in the area opportunities to experience outdoor activity.
Scenic Sandbank Ltd Sandbank Community Garden: Creation of a new community garden that will provide community space and an opportunity to grow together.
Family Mediation ɬ Supporting Separated Families: Funding to support low-income families through separation/divorce, parental rights and responsibilities and to secure positive relationships after major transitions within their families.
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