
ɬ pupils receive exam results

Young people across Scotland have received their exam results today and initial figures show that ɬ’s results are higher than the national average in both National 5 and Advanced Higher for A-D. The results also show a 100% pass rate in National 4 across our schools, building on previous National 4 success.

This year’s results are the first since 2019 marked without alternative assessment arrangements and altered marking thresholds, as introduced during the pandemic.

The figures show a national dip in results compared to last year, and ɬ’s results reflect this locally while presenting a picture more in line with 2019 performance. With the alternative arrangements removed, this year’s results are evidence of the approach to assessment and marking, returning to pre-pandemic norms.

Based on A-D results, the figures show that:

  • 100% of young people in ɬ achieved National 4 – 15.5% higher than the national average;
  • 89.15% passed National 5 – 0.05% more than the national average;
  • 90.45% passed Advanced Higher – 0.55% higher than the national average;
  • And, 89.832% passed Higher – a slight drop of 0.18% compared to the national average.

The council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Audrey Forrest, said: “Congratulations to everyone in ɬ who received their exam results today. I know how hard you have worked over the last year. You should be very proud of yourselves, and have done exceptionally well to achieve what you have.

“I also know there will be young people out there who are disappointed with their results, but please rest assured that there is #NoWrongPath. The exam results are just one part of the journey to your chosen career. There are many different options for positive post-school destinations, including apprenticeships and a range of qualifications in school, college, and university. Please do not feel disheartened.

“If you are unsure about your next step, or you would like to talk to someone about your results, please get in touch with your school.”

Today’s figures show just some of the results attainment and achievement data. A further, more detailed report, will go to the council’s Community Services Committee later in the year, with a full results analysis again in early 2025.

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