
Appeal for sites for potential new Mull Campus

ɬ Council is inviting members of the public to come forward with their suggestions for possible sites for a potential new Mull Campus.

The site needs to be at least 2.3 hectares, and the council is asking anyone with any ideas to email mull.campus@argyll-bute.gov.uk no later than Friday 13 September 2024, with as much information as possible, including the site owner’s details, if known.

Earlier this year, councillors agreed to develop an outline business case for bringing a multi-million-pound 2-18 school and community campus to Mull. Since then it has appointed a project delivery team and an experienced project manager to oversee each stage. The council has also set up a dedicated Community Sounding Board, with representatives from parent councils, community councils, local development trusts, schools and project staff, and pupil voices, to get feedback on how best to engage with the local community moving forward. The new board’s first meeting took place on Wednesday 21 August and members provided the project team with valuable feedback.

One of the items discussed at the meeting was the planned community engagement drop-in sessions. These are due to take place at a range of locations on Mull and Iona from 17 to 25 September 2024. The sessions will ask communities what issues they think are important to consider when assessing potential sites for the new campus and further information about venues and times will be confirmed soon.


The Community Sounding Board also requested more information about what a new 2-18 campus on Mull means for education provision in the area. Officers advised the following:

  • The funding is for a like-for-like replacement 2-18 campus; which is a combined early learning centre, primary and secondary school. The funding was awarded because the existing Tobermory campus continues to deteriorate and requires investment.
  • Regardless of the location selected, when the new 2-18 campus opens, the existing Tobermory school buildings will no longer be used to provide education.
  • If the location chosen is out with Tobermory this is likely to trigger a review of school catchment areas across the islands.
  • There is no intention or plan to close other primary schools across the islands.
  • None of the above will impact a parent’s entitlement to make a placing request to a school of their choice.


The council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Audrey Forrest, said: “It’s vital that the local community have their say on what is important to them and we are urging as many people as possible to come forward to help identify possible locations. This is an ambitious project but we remain optimistic and this is an exciting next step towards a campus for Mull.”

The cost of building the campus is estimated at £43 million. The council secured LEIP (Learning Estate Investment Programme) funding from the Scottish Government, which would provide up to 50% of eligible costs. However, the council would have to provide the full funding up front. The costs of borrowing such a significant level of funding, as well as covering costs not eligible for LEIP support, could increase the demand on the council to as much as £113 million over the lifetime of the loans.

Councillors will consider the outline business case at the end of next year, and if approved a full business case will be developed, including detailed proposals for the campus and costs, in late 2026. Both business cases require councillor approval before the campus could move to a construction phase, which is provisionally forecast for 2027 with opening late 2028.

You can sign up to receive Mull Campus updates at mull.campus@argyll-bute.gov.uk

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