New design proposals including crossing points, cycling and pedestrian priority areas and footpath improvements will make it easier and more attractive for people to walk, wheel and cycle between Lochgilphead Joint Campus and the town centre.
ɬ Council’s Walk Cycle Lochgilphead project aims to improve travel links for pedestrians and cyclists to travel more actively around the town. Following a series of consultations, the council has taken feedback and is now asking for views on the latest designs for Lorne Street, Union Street and an improved path link to Kilmory Road.
Take part in the consultation and view the design proposals
Drop–in event
Meet the design team to discuss the design proposals on Tuesday 26 September at Lochgilphead Baptist Church. Call in between 2 and 7pm to give your feedback and ask any questions.
Councillor Andrew Kain, Policy Lead for Roads and Infrastructure:
“Making it easier for people to walk, wheel and cycle around ɬ is a key commitment from the council. We know, based on feedback from previous consultations in Lochgilphead, people want to be more active, help reduce carbon emissions and enjoy safe attractive routes around the town. Having the right designs and infrastructure in place is essential to achieving this.
Thank you to everyone for your feedback so far. Please let us know your views on the latest proposals, which will help us to progress our plans.”