ɬ Council has raised the need for support for local households and businesses affected by October’s extreme weather with the Scottish Government.
This follows a Scottish Government announcement of financial support for areas elsewhere in Scotland recovering from the flooding impact of Storm Babet.
Leader of ɬ Council, Councillor Robin Currie said:
“The severe weather that had, and continues to have, such an impact in ɬ was not part of Storm Babet. However, its consequences are just as significant, many of our communities and businesses are facing the same challenges as a result, and so deserve the same level of national support as other areas.
We would like to thank the businesses who responded to the survey we carried out, about the issues the weather is having. We will use what you tell us to strengthen the case for national support, and for sourcing additional potential funders.
We can offer free advice and information through our Business Gateway service but as a council we are not unfortunately in a position to provide the financial support many need. We will therefore do all we can to find other possible routes for funding.”
With roads and bridges affected by the weather, findings from the survey highlight issues such as difficulties in getting supplies and staff to places of work, loss of custom, longer delivery times and costs associated with flood recovery.
Various routes have since re-opened. For information on progress being made on repairing others for re-opening please see
The council is triggering the Scottish Government’s Bellwin Scheme to help with some of the infrastructure costs that it is dealing with. This scheme does not provide for support for communities.
Free advice and information is available through its Business Gateway services. They can offer one-to-one support from business advisers, and could potentially if of use, put businesses in touch with one of their expert help advisers for support in particular aspects of business recovery: call 01546 604555 or email business.gateway@argyll-bute.gov.uk.
If a business’s premises have been forced to close, they are unable to trade and have a rating liability, they can apply for unoccupied rates relief. Please contact the Business Rates Team on 01586 555249, email ndr@argyll-bute.gov.uk or visit /business-and-licensing/business-rates