
Business rates information

Information in relation to Business Rates following receiving a number of enquiries.

We are receiving a number of enquiries about business rates and, while the council does not decide these, we have provided some information below to help:

·       The council does not determine rateable values; an independent assessor at the Dunbartonshire, Argyll, and Bute Valuation Joint Board carries this out.

·       Councils are then legally required to bill and collect rates, on behalf of the Scottish Government.

·       We have a range of information and guidance to help with business rates on our website. This includes details of relief and bonus schemes. You can find this information at Business Rates

·       If your business has been in receipt of the Small Business Bonus Scheme and, as a result of re-evaluation you have seen a significant increase in the amount of rates you are due to pay, you may be eligible for Small Business Bonus Scheme Transitional Relief. This is application based. To download an application form visit Help with Business Rates or call on 01586 555249.

·       Businesses can also appeal to the Valuation Joint Board Assessor by emailing assessor@dab-vjb.gov.uk or calling 01586 555300.

·       Details on how to appeal are available from the

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