Please be patient and allow extra time for your journey – is the advice from ɬ Council to road users in Oban Town Centre, due to a sequencing issue at the pedestrian crossing.
Although the traffic lights (opposite Roxy’s Café) continue to allow pedestrians to cross the road safely, the sequencing issue means there is a shorter time between pressing the crossing button and the lights changing to red for road users.
The council is aware of the issue and deployed engineers and electricians to explore a range of options to fix the fault. To maintain public safety, the best long-term option is to install new infrastructure and the process to do this has already started.
Councillor Andrew Kain, Policy Lead for Roads and Transport:
“We understand this may be frustrating for drivers but our main priority is to maintain pedestrian safety and make sure they are able to cross the road. The traffic lights continue to allow traffic through but please be aware the sequence from green to red is quicker than usual.
We are working hard to fix this issue as quickly as possible. In the meantime, can we ask pedestrians to allow some time at the crossing before pressing the button then, due to speed of lights changing, allow time for traffic to pass through them. We thank road users for their continued patience until we can install the new traffic lights and we apologise for any inconvenience caused during this time.”
The council will display signage at the crossing advising pedestrians to be mindful when crossing and allow sufficient time between pressing the button to allow traffic to move freely.