ɬ Council has invited pupils in primaries one to seven to take part in a special competition to create a unique flag that will help the area mark this historic occasion.
Pupils can submit one entry through their school’s Head Teacher, who will pass these on to the council’s Education Service. Flag designs should fit on an A4 landscape page – but other than that, there are no limits on colours, designs or ideas!
The deadline for entries is 31 March 2023. All designs will be reviewed by the ɬ Coronation Flag Judging Panel, which comprises Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, the Policy Lead Councillor for Education; Mr Douglas Hendry, Executive Director with responsibility for Education; Jennifer Crocket, Head of Education (Wellbeing, Inclusion and Achievement) and Wendy Brownlie, Head of Education (Performance and Improvement).
The judging panel will have the difficult task of choosing one winner from each of the council’s four administrative areas (Bute and Cowal, Helensburgh and Lomond, Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands and Oban, Lorn and the Isles).
They will also select one overall winner, whose design will be made into a full-size flag to be flown at ɬ Council’s Headquarters, Kilmory, on Friday 5 May 2023 – getting Coronation weekend off to a flying start in ɬ.
The overall winner and their school will each receive a framed replica of their flag to keep – with an extra prize for the school too. Area winners will also receive framed replicas of their designs and special Certificates of Commendation.
The Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, said: “I know that we have so many talented pupils in ɬ who love painting, drawing and creating! I am sure they will create some amazing Coronation flag designs and I am really looking forward to seeing them all. It will be an extremely difficult job to choose the winners.”
Pupils should make sure their Head Teacher has all entries by noon on Friday 31 March 2023. Designs should be in a format that can be sent by email – scanned copies or photographs are ideal.