A stronger voice for ɬ at the Scottish Parliament.
That is the prospect for the region following council approval of proposals in a new consultation from Boundaries Scotland.
Currently, council wards 1-8 fall within the existing ɬ Scottish Parliament constituency, with wards 9, 10 and 11 contained within the existing Dumbarton constituency.
Under the new proposals, the ɬ constituency boundary would extend north and east. This would incorporate all of council electoral ward 9, Lomond North. Wards 10 and 11 would remain in the existing West Dunbartonshire constituency.
Boundaries Scotland reviews the Scottish Parliament boundaries for constituencies and regions at intervals every eight to twelve years. The aim is to take account of local authority areas, special geographical circumstances, maintenance of local ties and any issues caused by the alteration of the existing boundaries.
If Boundaries Scotland approves the proposals there will continue to be two MSPs representing the wider council area with the Helensburgh Lomond area, having an ɬ MSP covering Ward 9, and a Dumbarton MSP representing Wards 10 and 11. This will continue to give the area two voices in the Scottish Parliament.
Councillor Alastair Redman, Policy Lead for Economic Growth and Communities, said: “Changes in the population translate into changes in the electorate. This can result in some MSPs representing considerably more or fewer constituents than others. The reviews carried out by Boundaries Scotland examine these and other issues and ensure electoral fairness.
“We note the proposed changes to the boundaries in ɬ as this will continue to enhance the area’s presence and voice within the Scottish Parliament.”