ɬ Council’s £15 million Flood Protection Scheme in Campbeltown is continuing to make good progress, with the project on course to be complete by February 2024.
Works in Argyll Street, Castlehill and Ralston Road are now finished, and Burnside Square is due to reopen to pedestrians at the end of June, although the public realm improvements may not all be complete by this stage due to the lead in times for some items of additional requested works.
As part of the improvements, the council is installing outdoor electrical points in the Square as well as arranging portable tie down anchor points, and would like feedback from any groups or organisations that host events in the area about what they require. You can email your comments to roadsandinfrastructure@argyll-bute.gov.uk .
The Square will remain closed to traffic until later in July. This is to allow the new entrance and exits to be completed and for the appropriate signage to be in place, as well as allowing drainage works on Burnside Street to be completed.
In terms of the surrounding streets, drainage works are required on Witchburn Road and, due to the nature of these works, a road closure is necessary.
The council is working with the contractor to develop these plans, and has requested that works are carried out during the school summer holidays to reduce some disruption. Like previous road closures on the scheme, this is likely to be a rolling closure, where sections of the road are closed at a time, rather than a whole stretch. The area affected will be from the junction of Big Kiln Street and Burnside Street to the former Campbeltown Creamery building on Witchburn Road.
Work is due to start on 3 July for around six weeks. Diversion routes will be in place around the Meadows/Smith Drive for cars and along the Moss Road for HGVs, with specific arrangements in place to maintain local access.
The final element of the scheme that is yet to start is the installation of new drainage under Dalaruan Street. This is due to begin in the school summer holidays and a public information event will take place prior to works commencing.
The council’s Policy Lead for Roads and Infrastructure Services, Councillor Andrew Kain, said: “The Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme is progressing very well. The improvements that we are carrying out will help to safeguard the town from the historic flooding it has experienced in the past, and will provide reassurance to local businesses and residents for years to come.
“Together with our contractors, we are doing everything we can to get the necessary work done quickly with as little disturbance as possible. I know the works have been disruptive at times, and I appreciate that the road closure at Witchburn Road will be a particular inconvenience. I would therefore like to thank those affected for their patience and co-operation during this time.”
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