ɬ Council is thanking everyone who provided feedback in the recent consultation that considered initial proposals for a new active travel route between Dunoon and Hunters Quay.
To encourage safer cycling, wheeling and walking, the initial consultation looked at gathering feedback on initial design ideas to explore the concept of an active travel route. The consultation resulted in 448 responses.
The community first raised the idea of an active travel route connecting the two locations in 2017 at a workshop known as a charette.
The layout of active travel facilities must meet strict design criteria set by the external funding partners in order to be eligible for funding.
Although the initial proposals meet the criteria, the design team will discuss the feedback received from the consultation with the external funding partners and update the design proposals in light of the comments received.
Councillor Andrew Kain, Policy Lead for Roads and Transport:
“Delivering active travel routes that offer our communities better opportunities for safe cycling and walking is a key element of our commitment to creating a healthy, climate friendly environment in ɬ.
We’ve had a fantastic response to this early concept design stage. Thanks to everyone for providing honest feedback about the initial proposals.”
The public consultation is now closed. More information on the project is available on the council website.
The Scottish Government Places for Everyone Programme, administrated by Sustrans, is providing the funding for this early design stage.