
Ongoing investment in ɬ’s town centres

Ambitious plans for further town centre investment across ɬ continue to help enhance the area into a great place to work, live and visit. 

At a meeting of the Policy and Resources committee, councillors approved proposals to support a range of projects with funding from the Scottish Government's Place Based Investment (PBI) Programme. 

Projects given the green light include:

  • Dunoon Burgh Hall Trust - Phase 2 to enhance the outdoor area and build on phase 1 investment £74,500
  • Dunoon CARS/LACER approach - flexible fund to support businesses with improvements to shopfronts/buildings £49,500
  • Helensburgh CARS – Shopfront Improvement Scheme £44,000
  • Helensburgh Skate park – the council is working with the Helensburgh Skate Park Group to consider options for a permanent site £80,000
  • Tobermory Worker Accommodation - match funding for recently successful Islands Programme award 23/24 £50,000
  • Bid4Oban - Shopfront scheme and Oban signage – adds to previous investment and support work of Bid and local businesses £60,000
  • Lochgilphead CARS - Shopfront improvement scheme and tenement property maintenance programme - £100,000
  • Steel Beam Project/LACER Shopfront improvements in Campbeltown £38,000


Councillor Robin Currie, Leader of ɬ Council, said: “We are committed to enhancing and developing the facilities and infrastructure in our town centres and to ensuring that our residents and visitors continue to see ɬ as a great location to live, work and visit.

“The projects being funded by this latest allocation from the PBI programme will deliver benefits for communities across the area.”

ɬ’s 2023/24 allocation from the PBI programme is £496,000. 

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