
Consultation on future options for Burnside Square

ɬ Council is asking people in Kintyre for their views on the future of Burnside Square in Campbeltown.

A new water storage tank is being installed under the Square in the coming months as part of the Council’s £15 million Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme. This provides an opportunity to find out how local residents and businesses would like to see the area used afterwards.

The Council’s Policy Lead for Roads and Transport Councillor Andrew Kain said: “We would encourage anyone with an interest in the future use of the Square to look at the consultation and to give us your feedback. It’s really important that we have a clear idea of how people want the space to be used before we develop proposals.

“The Flood Protection Scheme is a major investment in Campbeltown which will have benefits for years to come. One possible community benefit is this opportunity to look at how the Square is used and how it best meets the needs of people in Campbeltown, both now and in the future.”

The consultation runs until 17 October and is available online at: /consultations/burnside-square-future-options

Hard copies are available on request by calling 01546 605514 or emailing roadsandinfrastructure@argyll-bute.gov.uk


The Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme will see the town benefit from various works to prevent the type of flooding residents and businesses have suffered from in the past. To find out more visit Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme (argyll-bute.gov.uk)

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