
Leader, Provost and councillor roles announced

ɬ’s councillors have met for the first Council meeting after the local government elections, and appointed key roles.

The Leader is Councillor Robin Currie and the Depute Leader is Councillor Gary Mulvaney.

The Provost is Councillor Maurice Corry and the Depute Provost is Councillor Liz McCabe.

Council Leader Robin Currie said:

“I am grateful and honoured to hold this role. It will be with all councillors working together, to address challenges and deliver progress, that we will achieve the best for our communities and the amazing area of ɬ.”

Provost Maurice Corry said:

‘It is a great honour and privilege to be Provost of ɬ. I look forward to working with enthusiasm and commitment, with my fellow councillors and employees of the Council, for the betterment of ɬ.”

Other appointments include:

Policy Lead councillors


Policy Lead Role

Depute Policy Lead

Cllr Kieron Green

Planning and Regulatory Services 

Cllr Amanda Hampsey

Cllr Amanda Hampsey

Care Services

Cllr Kieron Green

Cllr Andrew Kain

Roads and Transport

Cllr  Tommy Macpherson

Cllr Ross Moreland

Climate Change and Environment Services

Cllr Peter Wallace

Cllr John McAlpine

Community Planning and Corporate Services

Cllr Paul Kennedy

Cllr Robin Currie

Economy and Rural Growth 

Cllr John McAlpine

Cllr Gary Mulvaney

Finance and Commercial Services 

Cllr William Sinclair

Cllr Yvonne McNeilly


Cllr Daniel Hampsey

Cllr Liz McCabe

Islands and Business Development

Cllr Graham Hardie

Membership of Committees

Community Services

Environment, Development and Infrastructure

Policy and Resources

Planning, Protective Services and Licensing

Cllr Yvonne McNeilly (Chair)

Cllr Robin Currie (Chair)

Cllr Robin Currie (Chair)

Cllr Kieron Green (Chair)

Cllr Daniel Hampsey (Vice Chair)

Cllr Andrew Kain

(Vice Chair)

Cllr Gary Mulvaney (Vice Chair)

Cllr Amanda Hampsey (Vice Chair)

Cllr Paul Kennedy

Cllr John McAlpine

Cllr Kieron Green

Cllr Andrew Kain

Cllr Andrew Kain

Cllr Ross Moreland

Cllr Amanda Hampsey

Cllr Graham Hardie

Cllr Gemma Penfold

Cllr Andrew Vennard

Cllr Andrew Kain

Cllr Liz McCabe

Cllr Garret Corner

Cllr Tommy Macpherson

Cllr Ross Moreland

Cllr Paul Kennedy

Cllr Graham Hardie

Cllr Peter Wallace

Cllr John McAlpine

Cllr Peter Wallace

Cllr Liz McCabe

Cllr Garret Corner

Cllr Yvonne McNeilly

Cllr Daniel Hampsey

Cllr Amanda Hampsey

Cllr William Sinclair

Cllr Liz McCabe

Cllr Audrey Forrest

Cllr Audrey Forrest

Cllr Jim Lynch

Cllr Audrey Forrest

Cllr Jan Brown

Cllr Iain Shony Paterson

Cllr John Armour

Cllr Jim Lynch

Cllr John Armour

Cllr Gordon Blair

Cllr Ian MacQuire

Cllr Reeni Kennedy-Boyle

Cllr Fiona Howard

Cllr Julie McKenzie

Cllr Jan Brown

Cllr Willie Hume

Cllr Mark Irvine

Cllr Math Campbell-Sturgess

Cllr Mark Irvine

Cllr Gordon Blair

Cllr Luna Martin

Cllr Dougie McFadzean

Cllr Luna Martin

Cllr Dougie Philand

Cllr Willie Hume

Cllr Dougie Philand

Cllr Donald Kelly

Cllr Fiona Howard


Audit and Scrutiny

ɬ Harbour Board

Argyll Islands Sounding Board

Children’s Champions

Cllr Andrew Vennard 

Cllr Andrew Kain (Chair)

Cllr Liz McCabe (Chair)


Cllr Audrey Forrest

Bute & Cowal

Cllr Jim Lynch (Vice Chair)



Cllr Dougie McFadzean

Mid- Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands

Cllr Daniel Hampsey

Cllr Ross Moreland (Vice Chair)

Cllr Robin Currie (Vice Chair)

Cllr Graham Hardie

Helensburgh & Lomond

Cllr Graham Hardie

Cllr Andrew Vennard

Cllr Peter Wallace

Cllr Amanda Hampsey

Oban, Lorn & the Isles

Cllr Reeni Kennedy-Boyle

Cllr John McAlpine

Cllr Amanda Hampsey


Cllr Mark Irvine

Cllr Garret Corner

Cllr Kieron Green

Armed Forces Champion


Cllr Jim Lynch

Cllr Andrew Kain  

Cllr Maurice Corry


Cllr John Armour

Cllr Jim Lynch



Cllr Ian MacQuire

Cllr Julie McKenzie








Cllr Dougie McFadzean




Cllr Reeni Kennedy-Boyle



 Area Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs

Area Committee


Vice Chair

Bute and Cowal

Cllr Liz McCabe

Cllr Yvonne McNeilly

Helensburgh and Lomond

Cllr Gemma Penfold

Cllr Gary Mulvaney

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands

Cllr John McAlpine

Cllr Robin Currie

Oban, Lorn and the Isles

Cllr Andrew Kain

Cllr Kieron Green



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