
Voting at the Scottish Local Government election

The Scottish Local Government Elections take place on Thursday 5th May 2022.

The Notice of Election for ÓûÂþɬ is now published and available on ÓûÂþɬ Council’s website  /scottish-local-government-elections-may-2022

Voters in ÓûÂþɬ will elect thirty six councillors, representing eleven council wards. They include a mix of rural, remote and island communities as well as larger villages and towns.  

To vote in this election, you need to be registered. If you are not sure whether you are registered, you can check with the Electoral Registration Office on 01586 555300. They can send you out a registration form if you need one. You can also register online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote - it is quick and easy to do.

The deadline for registering to vote is Monday 18th April 2022.

You can also vote by post or by proxy (where you appoint someone to cast your vote on your behalf). The deadline for postal vote applications is 5pm on Tuesday 19th April, and if you want to apply for a proxy vote you need to do so by 5pm on Tuesday 26th April. You can find out more about this at 

If you want to apply for a postal or proxy vote for this election, it is best to do this as soon as possible so that you can make sure you are able to take part. The Electoral Registration Office deals with applications for postal or proxy votes as well as registration and you can apply online at the link above.

There may be changes to your usual polling station, so please check your polling card so that you know where you need to go if you are casting your vote in person. You can also find a list of polling stations on the council website /sites/default/files/migrated_files/situation_of_polling_places_2022.pdf.

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