ɬ Council has confirmed plans to provide funding support for a range of community projects in the area.
More than £800,000 from the Scottish Government’s Place Based Investment (PBI) Programme is being channelled into supporting eight new regeneration and restoration projects.
In the first of five annual funding rounds from the programme, the Council received an allocation of £821,000 and has confirmed support for projects aimed at enhancing towns across ɬ communities. These include:
· A region-wide (excluding CARS or BID towns) shopfront improvement scheme (£80,000)
· Rothesay Townscape Heritage priority building (£100,000)
· Public realm enhancements in Bowmore town centre (£80,000)
· Improvements to Castle House Gate Lodge, Dunoon (£70,000)
· Landscaping grant to Dunoon Burgh Hall Trust (£50,000)
· Enhancing the surface of Helensburgh masonry pier (£163,000)
· Public realm improvements in Gibraltar Street, Oban (£250,000)
· Helensburgh Hermitage Park, Greening The Bothy project (£28,000)
The news comes as councillors hailed the successful completion of projects supported by the Town Centre Fund, which the new PBI programme replaces.
Over the past two years, Town Centre funding has been allocated to 28 projects across ɬ.
Among the initiatives supported were Oban Rockfield Centre restoration, Helensburgh Hermitage Park and Community Hub and Wellbeing Centre, Rosneath Howie Park, Rothesay Pontoons, Lochgilphead Front Green, Dunoon bandstand lighting and remedial works and Tobermory harbour wall, railings and floodgate work.
Shopfront improvement projects in various locations including Tarbert, Tobermory, Bowmore, Dunoon, Campbeltown, Helensburgh and Lomond also received funding.
Leader of ɬ Council, Robin Currie, said: “The 28 Town Centre Fund projects have all played their part in helping to make our towns more attractive, healthier and sustainable places to live as well as boosting their profile as tourist destinations and business locations.
“The projects now being supported by Place Based Investment funding will allow us to build further on the progress we’re making towards creating a successful, sustainable future for ɬ and delivering a healthy environment for people across our communities.”