To conclude Scottish Apprenticeship Week, Robert Miller, ɬ Council’s Customer Engagement and Transformation Manager, talks about what it is like to employ a Modern Apprentice.
“We had a number of successful Summer Student placements over the year, so we thought it was time to go a step further and employ a Modern Apprentice,” he said. “
This is a great way of investing in ɬ’s digital skills base, but also provides us with an enthusiastic additional resource to help us with a demanding digital support and development workload in the Customer Engagement Team.”
Mitchell Robertson was recruited to Robert’s team in May 2021 as a Digital Apprentice and, as well as receiving excellent paid work experience across a range of corporate and specialist systems, he is also studying for a Diploma in Digital Applications Support.
Robert continued: “What the team has benefitted from is a capable and willing young employee who is eager to learn and help out in almost every area of our endeavours. Mitchell has been a huge asset to the team; be that doing essential housekeeping duties to keep our systems efficient and up to date, or helping with vital coronavirus updates like ensuring our database of High Risk citizens is current, and also diving in to help with customer service workloads like vaccination enquiries and processing free school meals applications.
“Mitchell has one day a week of study time and access to system experts, but he has also benefitted from seeing how development work gets progressed in a virtual team environment. I would not hesitate to recommend to colleagues that they take on a Modern Apprentice. It is an investment well worth making.”