A new public square, improved car parking and additional seating are just some of the benefits Ardrishaig residents and visitors can look forward to as improvement works start from 29 August.
The Ardrishaig development works include:
- A new lochside viewing area with additional seating and art work
- Improvements to the north car park including an expansion of disabled parking
- New waterfront signposting and artwork from the canal
- Reconfiguring of the memorial garden to include new seating areas, picnic benches and a path
- Improved accessibility for the Argyll Sea Kayak Trail making it easier for kayakers to go between Loch Fyne and the Crinan Canal.
To facilitate the improvement works, the north car park will close from 29 August. The south car park will remain open. The Argyll Kayak Trail launch point will close. Alternative access to the shore is from the south of Ardrishaig harbour. Public toilets and access to the North Hall will remain open throughout the works. Works will be required along the A83 footway; later on in the build.
Works will continue until next year with the site expected to open in summer 2023.
More information including a full programme of works is available on the council website /ardrishaig/public-realm. If you would like to received regular email updates throughout the period of works, email Anna Watkiss – at anna.watkiss@argyll-bute.gov.uk or call 01546 604344.
The works are part of wider regeneration initiatives already delivered in the area. They include enhanced facilities introduced for the local community and tourist visitors at Ardrishaig Harbour by Scottish Canals and upgrades of the Public and North Halls by the Ardrishaig Community Trust. ÓûÂþɬ Council has appointed P1 Solutions Ltd to deliver the scheme.
Extensive public consultations took place in 2019 and 2020 before submitting proposals for planning permission in 2021. A public information evening is being planned and details of this will be available via the webpage above.