Residents on Mull have been giving their views on whether or not they would support a new school campus on the island, should funding become available to build one.
ɬ Council identified a new campus on Mull as the priority across its entire learning estate and, over the last few weeks, a series of public pre-engagement events have taken place on the island to gauge people’s opinions on a potential new school.
The initial pre-engagement period will run until Friday 9 September, during which time information boards will be available at Bunessan Primary School, Tobermory Library and on the council website at .
The council will meet next month and make a formal decision about whether or not to submit a bid for funding from the Scottish Government’s highly competitive Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP). The LEIP does not fully fund projects and, if the bid is successful, additional funding will need to be sourced. An award of LEIP funding by the Scottish Government, however, would be a key first step.
The council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, said: “The pre-engagement sessions have been very well attended, which demonstrates the support there is for a new school campus on Mull. There is no guarantee that we will be successful in our funding bid, but having the support of the local community will go a long way, and is likely to strengthen any potential submission in this very competitive process.
“I would urge you to have your say on what could be a life-changing investment for the children and young people of Mull.”
If the bid is successful, and if the campus goes ahead, further statutory consultation will play an important part in progressing this.