
Community Council Elections 2022 - have your say in local representation

Nominations are now open for Community Councils in ÓûÂþɬ.

If you care about your community and want to get more involved in local life, why not consider standing for election?

Community Council elections will take place in October 2022. Community Councils are voluntary organisations which are set up by statute by local authorities, but which are run by local people to act on behalf of their community. Their general role is to act as a voice for their local community.

As well as representing their area to the local authority, Community Councils also support and contribute to a wide range of activities in various aspects of local life. This includes taking forward specific projects, running surveys or campaigning on local issues of interest, and organising events.

If you are 16 or over, live within your Community Council area, and are listed on the electoral register for local government elections for the area where you live, you can stand for election as a Community Councillor.

Community Councillors are invariably people from all walks of life who are passionate about their local area and who want to play their part in making it a better place to live.

If you are interested in standing for election to your local Community Council, you can find out more information and get a nominations pack online at Community Council Elections 20 October 2022 (argyll-bute.gov.uk)

You can also contact ÓûÂþɬ Council Election Team (who are administering the election) by email at elections@argyll-bute.gov.uk or by phone on 01546 603264.

Nominations are open from Thursday 18 August to 4pm on Thursday 8 September 2022.

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