
Candidates announced for Kintyre and the Islands by-election

Six candidates are standing for election to represent the Kintyre and the Islands ward on ÓûÂþɬ Council.

The Notice of Poll (the list of election candidates) has now been published and can be found, along with a list of polling stations within the ward, on the council’s website at Notice of poll and situation of polling stations By Election 29 Sept 22 (argyll-bute.gov.uk)

The candidates seeking election to fill the single vacant seat in Ward 2, Kintyre and the Islands, are (in alphabetical order by surname):

  • Gopi Ageer (Scottish Labour Party)
  • Kenny MacKenzie (Scottish Liberal Democrats)
  • Lachie MacQuarie (Scottish National Party)
  • Alastair Redman (Independent)
  • Tom Skinner (Scottish Green Party)
  • Hamish Stewart (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party)

Only people who are registered to vote in Ward 2, Kintyre and the Islands, can vote in this by-election. You can check whether you’re already registered by contacting the Electoral Registration Office on 01586 555300. If you’re not registered but want to vote, you can ask the Electoral Registration Office to send you a form. You can also register online at - it’s quick and easy to do.  You need to register before the deadline of midnight on Tuesday 13th September 2022.

Polling Day for the Ward 2, Kintyre and the Islands by-election is Thursday 29th September. There may be changes to polling stations so it’s important to check the list published online so that you know where to go to cast your vote. If you can’t get to the polling station on the day, there are other options for you to use your vote. You can apply for a postal vote - the deadline is 5pm on Wednesday 14th September. Another option is to apply for a proxy vote, where you appoint someone to attend at the polling station and cast your vote for you. The deadline for proxy applications is 5pm on Wednesday 21st September. Find out more about both at Apply for a postal vote - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)




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