Dear Parents/Carers,
We are saddened to see the historic building at Hermitage Primary destroyed by fire on Monday evening, a police investigation is underway.
Our Education, Property, Building Standards and Health and Safety services are all involved in assessing and progressing action needed now that the fire is out. This has included arranging for demolition of the annexe, which began on Tuesday evening. By Tuesday 19 April the demolition will be complete and the process of sorting and removing debris will be underway. The demolition site has been fenced off and police and private security are watching the area. Please ensure you and your family stay safe by staying away from the site.
We are pleased to confirm that Hermitage Primary School staff and pupils will be able to return to Hermitage Primary, as planned, on 19th April. The Grant Street gate will remain shut and the area of playground closest to the annex will also be fenced off to allow the already planned roof works to be completed. Heavy vehicles will be operating in the area to remove debris and we ask that you avoid bringing a vehicle to school. However, if you need to bring a vehicle for drop off and pick up please park extremely carefully and avoid Grant Street. Until further notice all pupils should use the front gate on East Argyle Street for both drop off and collection. (This includes bicycles and scooters).
I would like to thank your Headteacher Elspeth Davis and your janitor team for their ongoing support in ensuring staff and pupils are able to make a safe return to the building.
Wendy Brownlie
Head of Education: Learning and Teaching
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