ɬ Council has been awarded funding from the Scottish Government to help people who are in rent arrears as a result of Covid 19.
The Tenant Grant Fund is aimed at providing assistance to people living in social and private housing who have fallen behind with their rent between 23 March 2020 and 9 August 2021 as a result of financial difficulties during the pandemic.
Council Leader Robin Currie said: “The last two years have been an extremely difficult time and we know that many people are experiencing serious hardship.
“We already do a tremendous amount of work to help people who are struggling with debt and the Tenant Grant Fund will greatly compliment these services.
“The last thing we want is for anyone to face becoming homeless and this funding will help to alleviate some of the pressure for those who have built up rent arrears and are worried about being evicted.”
Tenants and landlords can apply for the Covid 19 Tenant Grant Fund. Third parties can also apply on behalf of tenants. For more information, or to submit an application, email housingservices@argyll-bute.gov.uk or call 01631 572180.