“ɬ Council will join the National Day of Reflection on March 23 to mark the anniversary of the start of the Covid-19 lockdown. As a mark of respect to all those who have lost their lives, the council will light up buildings in the area and join the minutes silence at midday.
“It seems unimaginable that we have been living under restrictions for a year. Looking back, nobody knew of the challenges that lay ahead or how every person would be affected in some way from Covid-19. The words unprecedented times have been used so often but it barely covers the enormity or the toll the pandemic has taken on our lives.
“We have lost friends and family, our children have been at home, businesses have closed and jobs affected. My thoughts are with those who have lost someone in the last year, both Covid and non-Covid related. It’s particularly challenging in these circumstances when the support you would normally rely on from friends and family may not be available under current restrictions.
“My hope is that we are able to take some positives from the year. The pandemic has brought people together to help the most vulnerable. We have witnessed remarkable acts of kindness and have a greater appreciation for family and community. I would like to pay tribute to everyone who has played a part in keeping ɬ going. From healthcare workers to shop workers, teachers to community groups, delivery drivers, our own council staff and the scientists who are developing vaccines. The list is endless but the commitment and hard work is so appreciated and continues to be vital to us all.
“There are brighter times ahead, some restrictions have lifted and pupils are returning to school. We still all have our part to play in keeping the infection rate down, but with the vaccination programme fully underway, brighter times are coming.
“I want to thank everyone for the colossal effort so far. Being kind and making a difference is what makes ɬ such a fantastic place to be associated with. Good things are happening here as we continue to invest in the area and look forward to our return from lockdown.
“I hope you can join us in marking the anniversary as we remember those we have lost over the last year.”
Councillor David Kinniburgh
Provost, ɬ Council