
Civil Partnership extended to all

Following a change in legislation, couples of mixed (opposite) sex can now enter a civil partnership.


Couples are invited to submit a notice of intention and following a notice period of 28 days, the first ɬ mixed sex civil partnership can take place from 30 June 2021.


The council has a dedicated team of registrars who can help couples choose how they wish to register their partnership. The team can provide help and advice on both the location and personalising the ceremony.


Councillor Mary Jean Devon, Policy Lead, Support Services:


“The decision to extend civil partnerships to include mixed sex couples is really welcome news and allows equality and choice for everyone.


Couples will be able choose to have a civil partnership or marriage, regardless of their sex and enter into a legally recognised relationship which reflects their personal views.


There are so many beautiful locations in ɬ for couples to choose to hold their marriage or civil partnership ceremony. We have everything from beaches to castles and our own ceremony rooms. We look forward to helping couples plan their special day.”


To book a civil partnership call 01546 605521 or email registrationenquiries@argyll-bute.govuk or visit our website www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/marriage/

The Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill was introduced to the Scottish Parliament and received Royal Assent on 28 July 2020.


Secondary legislation was taken forward to the Scottish Parliament making it possible for couples of mixed (opposite) sex to submit notice of intention to enter their civil partnership.





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