
Check for blue-green algae if near lochs and rivers

Please be on the lookout for blooms of potentially hazardous blue-green algae (also known as Cyanobacteria) in ÓûÂþɬ’s lochs and rivers which may have developed during the period of warm weather.

Where there is evidence of this, it would be sensible to avoid swimming or other water-based activities like canoeing or water skiing. Make sure that pets don’t drink or enter the water. More information about blue-green algae.

If you have any concerns, you can contact our environmental health team on 01546 605519 or via email at envhealth@argyll-bute.gov.uk or notify  

There is also a national reporting hub operated by the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. is a Citizen Science app for reporting the presence of harmful algal blooms of blue-green algae. 

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