From amateur swimming clubs to Climate friendly action groups, outdoor activities to community gardens and woodlands – these are just some of community projects set to benefit from the Council’s Supporting Communities Fund.
The Fund is available to a range of groups including voluntary, charities and social enterprises. This year the council received 93 applications.
A list of all the awards can be found on the Council website at
Councillor Mary-Jean Devon, Policy Lead for Support Services, said: “This has been an incredibly challenging time for charities and community groups who work tirelessly to provide services and community facilities to people across ɬ. The pandemic has had an impact on fundraising for many of the groups.
"We are delighted to award a range of projects from helping our most vulnerable residents to nurturing our youngest and helping to protect future generations, we are so impressed by the dedication and commitment of the people making a huge different to the area.”
The Council’s Community Planning and Development Team manage the Supporting Communities Fund and provide guidance for additional funding sources. They include a monthly funding update issued to all community groups and a link to GrantNet, an online funding tool.
Details of grants and funding sources can be found on the Council website.
The next round of the Supporting Communities Fund will open in 2022.