
New School Run project for Rothesay

More pupils at Rothesay Joint Campus would like to walk, scoot or cycle to school than currently do and a new project is looking at ways to help them achieve that – but we need your help too.

Rothesay’s New School Run is an exciting and ambitious new design project to define what changes are needed, post-pandemic, to allow young people in Rothesay to get to school differently.

In order to deliver a design that best suits the needs of Rothesay residents, it’s important that the whole community gets involved with the design. This work is building on previous community engagement in 2019, and the guiding principles of the 2016 Remaking Rothesay charrette

High Street and Townhead are amongst the most used roads in Rothesay—especially by pupils and staff travelling to the Joint Campus each day. The park, leisure centre, health centre, hospital, and workplaces all make this an important route for the people of the town.

However, changes are needed along the route to make it a safe, attractive and accessible way to get to school!

This design will also benefit the wider community by offering those who visit other major destinations along High Street and Townhead an opportunity to travel differently for work or play.

A for the design process has been launched where people can:

  •  about the design process so far
  • as a design is developed
  • on how you currently travel to key destinations on High Street and Townhead

The findings of the Travel Survey will be combined with results of surveys and feedback given by pupils of Rothesay Primary School and Rothesay Academy earlier in the year. The design team will then create design proposals for High Street and Townhead, which can be expected to be presented later this summer.

Councillor Robin Currie, Leader of the Council, said: “Throughout the pandemic many of us made more positive choices about active travel. We want to support people to keep this up. Thanks to the funding we received from Transport Scotland, through Sustrans, we can find ways of helping our young people get to school safely without getting in cars and hopefully this will help adults have more active lifestyles as well.

“I urge everyone to get involved in the project and make their views known.”

Contact details

  • via the website
  • Call, text or WhatsApp icecream architecture: 07761 856 263


Editor Notes

The project is being promoted by ɬ Council and is funded by Transport Scotland’s Places for Everyone programme administered by Sustrans.

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