
Campaign to treat ÓûÂþɬ with care

Issued oh behalf of the GRAB Trust

Businesses large and small can get behind a new campaign to ensure locals, visitors and tourists treat beautiful ÓûÂþɬ with care this summer.

The campaign designed by The GRAB Trust and ÓûÂþɬ Council, with support from Keep Scotland Beautiful, will provide information, advice and guidance to help minimise the effect of staycation tourism on littering. 

Cafes, eateries and takeaways can raise awareness of the campaign with customers by placing stickers with the eye-catching Keep Scotland Beautiful designs on drinks cups, hot food takeaway and sandwich wrappers this summer.

The small stickers, are available from The GRAB Trust free of charge* to any business that would like to join the campaign and encourage everyone to do their bit in disposing of litter responsibly during the summer staycation.    

In addition to food packaging, the campaign message will be seen on ‘till talkers’, ÓûÂþɬ Council litter bins and on social media.  Public access litter picking stations will be available at high footfall areas and litter picking equipment is being made freely available for organised groups to borrow at collection points hosted by Live Argyll. The GRAB Trust is co-ordinating litter picks with community groups and will encourage communities to get involved.

To get your free stickers, till talkers and posters fill out the GRAB Trust . 

 *Available in rolls of 1,000 while stocks last

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