
ÓûÂþɬ Scottish Parliamentary Constituency candidates announced

The candidates standing for election to the ÓûÂþɬ Scottish Parliamentary Constituency have now been confirmed.

Voters will be asked to elect one constituency MSP as well as regional/list MSPs in the Scottish Parliament Election on Thursday 6 May 2021.

There are four candidates standing for election as ÓûÂþɬ’s constituency MSP:

Donald Cameron (Scottish Conservative and Unionist)

Jenni Minto (Scottish National Party)

Alan Reid (Scottish Liberal Democrats)

Lewis Whyte (Scottish Labour Party)

You can find the official Notice of Poll, along with other information about the election including a list of polling stations, on the council’s website at Notice of poll - Scottish Parliamentary Election 6 May 2021 (argyll-bute.gov.uk)

Details of the political parties and candidates for the Highlands and Islands Regional List are available at

If you want to take part in the Scottish Parliamentary Elections in May, you need to be registered to vote first. There’s still time to register – you can do it online and it only takes five minutes. Plan today so you can have your say in May – register online at

You also have choices about how to take part. You can vote in person or by post, although applications for postal votes must be in by 6th April. If you can’t get to the polling station yourself, you can ask someone else to cast your vote for you – a proxy vote. Find out how to do this at

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