
Dunoon Grammar to deliver seminar to global audience

Dunoon Grammar will take to the global stage yet again when staff and pupils deliver a virtual seminar at this year’s World Education Week.

The school was invited to present an hour-long piece to showcase their innovative enterprise work, and are the only school in Scotland selected to take part.

World Education Week, which begins on 5 October, was established to strengthen efforts to achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 of Quality Education. By combining and sharing collective experience, it is hoped that every child has a better quality of education.

Head Teacher at Dunoon Grammar, David Mitchell, said: “We are delighted to have been chosen to take part in World Education Week. It is a huge honour for us to represent not just ɬ, but the whole of Scotland, and we have been working hard to prepare for it.

“Our virtual seminar will be based on The Greatest Showman theme, and will be an innovative and engaging performance led by our pupils, and involving parents and partners.

“The seminar will showcase the diverse range of creative and immersive learning experiences we have and will be a true Scottish affair, with pipes, drums and dancers.

“Our fully costumed, in-character acts will draw on experiences to illustrate key features of creative learning – pinpointing key strategies delegates can adopt. Acts will imaginatively engage the audience through a range of activities to deepen their understanding of creativity and show how delegates can innovate within their schools. Our young people will lead our high-paced seminar throughout – host, musical performances, practice sharing and delegate engagement. This involvement will exemplify the impact creative learning has had on their skills and confidence.

“I am extremely grateful to Young Enterprise Scotland and Scotland’s Enterprising Schools for their support, and I would also like to thank staff, pupils and parents for their help in this process. A special mention must go to Paul Gallanagh. He has been instrumental in these plans and is a true credit to our school.”

ɬ Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, said: “The success and achievements that Dunoon Grammar’s pupils and staff have had over the last 18 months is phenomenal. Not only did they win the Apps for Good Scotland event for the fourth year in a row, they also went on to win the UK final for the fourth year running; they were crowned the UK’s European Entrepreneurial School of the Year; and they won the Apps for Good Employability Skills Award for innovation.

“I’m blown away by the sheer hard work and determination shown by staff and pupils. Being invited to provide a seminar at this year’s World Education Week will enable us to show the world the high level of education available here in ɬ, and give us the opportunity to share our expertise with other learners and teaching professionals on an international platform.

“We are committed to ensuring we do everything possible to improve the life chances of our learners, and Dunoon Grammar is doing a tremendous job in helping us achieve that goal.”

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