Round three of ɬ Council’s Strategic Events and Festivals Fund opens for applications at midday on 22 October 2020.
Round three is open to events and festivals that are of strategic importance to the area and that will take place between April 2021 and March 2022.
Policy Lead for Economic Growth, Councillor Alastair Redman, said: “We appreciate this is a challenging time for event organisers. The nature of the current COVID-19 pandemic means that government guidance and legislation is changing to balance public health and the economy. Right at this moment, it will be hard for organisers to plan ahead with any detail or certainty.
“As a council, we are committed to supporting our event sector. We are mindful of these challenges and we understand that the format of events may well be subject to change. We will work closely with successful applicants and aim to be as flexible as possible given the need to respond to the pandemic situation as it develops.”
We are aware that events have been unable to take place due to COVID-19 and that this position may continue for some time. This funding round is focused on the delivery of events for 2021/22 and it is hoped that events may be able to take place within this period, however we appreciate that this is still uncertain.
For further advice and support for event organisations is available on Event Scotland's website.
As in previous years, event organisers should apply online: /events-and-festivals-grants . The application process is open from midday on Thursday 22 October to midday on Monday 7 December.
For more information, please email the Strategic Events and Festivals inbox:
You can find more information on the council’s regeneration work here: /planning-and-environment/regeneration-and-town-centre-management