
New bakery shopfront is ‘electrifying’

The Electric Bakery, in Montague Street, Rothesay, has been given an electrifying new look thanks to a Shopfront Grant awarded through Rothesay Townscape Heritage (Rothesay TH).

Works began on site in February of this year that included:

  • Reinstatement of a traditional timber shopfront of heritage appearance;
  • Installation of granite stall riser;
  • Mosaic tiled entrance;
  • Decorative timber pilasters, cornice and console;
  • Specialist lead work repairs; and
  • Decorative finishes.

The icing on the cake of the refurbishment is that discussions now taking place with other property owners with a view to improving the appearance of the rest of the building.

Rothesay TH has been making great progress in complementing previous investment in the heritage of the town to bring about local regeneration.

The largest project completed to date is the restoration of the category ‘A’ listed Discovery Centre and the refurbishment of a large-scale tenement at 73-77 Victoria Street nearing completion.

There have been three traditional window repair grants awarded and work is underway to develop repair proposals for a further three tenements and another two shopfronts.

To ensure that the town’s built heritage can be cared for – and appreciated - in the future, 10 events and training projects have been run with both property owners and school pupils.

Councillor Alastair Redman, Policy Lead for Economic Growth, said: “During the COVID pandemic it was local high street shops that supported communities and kept us going. I’m therefore delighted that, as a council, we’re able to put something back to the town centres and help make them an attractive place to visit and shop.

“The Electric Bakery has made a fantastic job of the shop front – it really brightens up the area and looks welcoming.”

Any property owners, businesses or organisations, who would like to find out more about Rothesay TH, should contact Colin Fulcher on 01700 501373 or email colin.fulcher@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Rothesay Townscape Heritage is a partnership programme with a cumulative value of £2.74m, and which is funded by National Heritage Lottery Fund (NHLF), Historic Environment Scotland (HES), ɬ Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), LEADER, and through Smarter Choices Smarter Places.


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