“A permanent solution within the existing 2km corridor of the A83 is the only realistic solution to prevent ongoing disruption at the Rest and Be Thankful, and should be progressed as a priority.”
ɬ Council is calling on Scottish Government to take forward Option 1 following a consultation by Transport Scotland highlighting eleven options to address landslide issues at the A83 Rest and Be Thankful.
Option 1 offers a permanent solution within a proposed 2km wide corridor along the existing A83.
Councillor Robin Currie, Leader of ɬ Council:
“After careful consideration of all the options presented in the consultation, the only realistic solution to prevent further disruption to this major trunk road in and out of ɬ, is to look at Option 1.
After years of disruption, we now have the promise of a permanent solution but we also need a commitment that our preferred option can be delivered within the term of the next Scottish Parliament. We need a solution to be delivered as soon as possible in order for it to provide uninterrupted year-round access that ɬ needs and deserves. It is one thing looking at options, we now need a firm agreement regarding when work will start.”
In addition to urgent work needed at the Rest and Be Thankful, the Council is also calling for:
Longer term improvements along the A83 trunk road to deal with substandard alignment and drainage and flooding issues both of which can impact seriously to the route; and
An additional, long term and ambitious route into ɬ along the line of Option 5. Visit the Transport Scotland to view all the proposed options. The consultation ends on 30 October.
Notes to Editors
Option 1 information as outlined in Transport Scotland’s consultation.
Corridor Option 1 - Glen Croe (Existing A83)
This corridor was identified in the A83 Trunk Road Route Study Report, published in 2013.
The Glen Croe (A83 online) sub corridor is adjacent to the existing road corridor starting from the bridge over Coire Croe Burn between the Cobbler and Beinn Luibhean. It is offset from the existing A83 Trunk Road and re-joins the alignment of the existing A83 Trunk Road before the bend prior to the junction with the B828 and the access to the Rest and Be Thankful car park. It is approximately 1.5 kilometres long and would generally follow a similar profile to the existing road.
The Glen Croe (southern side) sub corridor is an off-line corridor within Glen Croe in the area of forestry on the south-west side of the valley. The corridor is approximately 4.3 kilometres in length and ties-in to the existing A83 Trunk Road approximately 3.2 km north-west of Ardgartan, in the vicinity of the A83/Forestry Commission Track and the Old Military Road junction, and the north side of the Rest and Be Thankful car park at the B828. The corridor generally follows the Forestry Track and road structures and ground engineering measures would potentially be required to fit the new road into the topography of this side of Glen Croe.