
The show must go on at Dervaig

Pupils in primaries five, six and seven at Dervaig Primary took the phrase, ‘the show must go on’, to a new level last week when they performed their school play to parents last week using a digital platform.

The talented youngsters had all rehearsed their parts for Alice in Wonderland before lockdown and, in full costume, they presented their show via Google Meet.

Teachers watched with pride and admiration as the children delivered their lines and produced the relevant sound effects using violins!

Not to be outdone, the school's primary two, three and four pupils had a ‘Show and Tell’ assembly where the teachers had to join in with their own item to present. Questions and answers ensued from the children, as everything from puppies to wood carvings were discussed. The school community is still thriving during these trying times.

ɬ Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, said: “Who knew you could put on a school performance during lockdown? This is a great example of a school community coming together to overcome obstacles. Congratulations to everyone involved!”

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