Teaching staff across ɬ have been working hard to organise a range of home learning resources for pupils, as schools across the country close their doors today (Friday) due to the outbreak of Coronavirus.
Pupils have been supplied with home learning packs and/or log in details to access remote learning websites to ensure they can continue their classroom activities outside of school as required.
The following resources are also available:
Sharing Argyll Learning Ideas (SALi) – this website provides online resources and learning at home advice . It also has a range of downloadable resources for early years children –
GLOW - pupils have a password for Glow . This is a national digital environment that can support learning across the whole curriculum. Anyone who requires a Glow password reset, or anyone experiencing issues with using the site, should contact the council’s Digital Learning Team at digitalhub@argyll-bute.gov.uk using their school email address (not a personal email address).
Google G Suite - A Google G Suite support website has been created which contains videos and documents to support the use of Google G Suite and Google Classroom. This is available at:
Webinars - The council will be running a series of live webinars to support staff and pupils in their use of online learning. These webinars will provide help with everything from Glow accounts to setting up and using Google Classroom. Contact details and the webinar schedule is available at: . The webinars will also include collaborative, fun and interactive technology demonstrations and workshops.
ɬ Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, said: “The impact of COVID-19 virus presents an unprecedented challenge for education in ɬ and schools across Scotland.
“It is important that we provide remote learning wherever possible, in order that we can deliver as much educational continuity as possible. Remote learning can play a vital role in maintaining education provision and in supporting ɬ’s children and young people.
“It is a great way of learning without being in regular face-to-face contact with a teacher. I’d like to thank all our teaching staff for pulling this together so quickly, and to the parents and pupils for their understanding.”
School iPads are available for pupils who do not have a device at home. Parents/guardians must ensure that the iPad is used in a safe, legal and responsible manner and only for the purposes of learning. iPads will be provided with a charger and there will be an option to charge them at the local open school hub.
The Digital Learning Team will be available to support staff and learners during the period of school closure. You can email them at digitalhub@argyll-bute.gov.uk .
The council will also be opening 10 of its school kitchens from Monday (23 March) to ensure that children who are entitled to free school meals can continue to receive those meals.