
CANCELLED - Dunoon Grammar entrepreneurs invite you to their 'Pop-up Mall'

Pupils at Dunoon Grammar will be hosting a ‘Pop-up Mall’ next week to celebrate the end of their ‘Tenner Challenge’.

The Tenner Challenge is a UK wide initiative where pupils receive £10 each and are tasked with making as much profit as possible.

S2 pupils at Dunoon Grammar have been taking part in the scheme over the last few weeks and will be selling their products/services at a Pop-up Mall in the school forum on Friday 20 March. The event will take place from 10.45am until 11.45am and members of the public are welcome to attend.

ɬ Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, said: “It’s wonderful to see our young people showing such motivation and commitment to this initiative. The Tenner Challenge provides pupils with an idea of what it’s like to run a business and sets them on the right path for preparing for the world of work.

“We have so many talented young people in ɬ. It’s great to see them developing an enterprising mindset and learning skills they might need for the future.”

During the event, Learning Centre pupils will also be hosting a coffee morning in the Assembly Room at 11am.

S1 pupil Danielle said: “We are looking forward to holding our first coffee morning. Pupils are busy making decorations.”

Head Teacher at Dunoon Grammar, David Mitchell, said: “The Tenner Challenge is a great opportunity for our young people to develop their enterprising skills. Some of the ideas this year are very creative and our young people are very enthusiastic about the project. Please come along to our Pop-Up Shop event and treat yourself.”

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