
Bin collections go back to three weekly cycle (updated)

The council is taking its first step to going back to the normal cycles of bin and recycling collections – three weekly for general domestic waste and two weekly for blue bin/bag recycling.

From the week beginning 22 June

If you live in Dunoon and Cowal, Mid Argyll, Tarbert, Oban and Lorn, Coll, Colonsay, Tiree, Lismore and Helensburgh and Lomond, your normal schedule for general waste and blue bins will restart during the week beginning 22 June. You will be able to check what date your bins go out from 19 June.

As we phase in normal services, kerbside glass recycling will resume in Helensburgh and Lomond on 6 July; food recycling collecting in Helensburgh and Lomond will resume at a future date when resources allow as we still have staff absences relating to COVID 19. Kerbside glass recycling on Tiree will also resume at a future date. For the time being, if possible, please use public collection points for glass bottles and jars if you cannot keep the recycling at home.

From week beginning 29 June

If you live in Kintyre (south of Kennacraig), Islay/Jura and Mull/Iona, your normal schedule will resume during the week beginning 29 June. You will be able to check what date your bins go out from 26 June.

Kerbside glass collections on Mull and Iona will resume at a future date. For the time being, if possible, please use public collection points for glass bottles and jars if you cannot keep the recycling at home.

Bute will also go back to three-weekly bin collections during the week beginning 29 June. However, Bute households were given a new two weekly timetable for waste during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please keep that new cycle for your recycling, as service providers have changed, and revert to the previous three-weekly timetable for putting out domestic waste. You can look up your updated calendars from 26 June.

Robin Currie, Policy Lead for Housing, Roads and Infrastructure Services, said: “Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for their patience. We had to make quick changes to the service as we managed our first responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is good to start taking some small steps back to normal life. Taking a phased approached to reinstating bin collections and recycling will help things runs smoothly as we continue to operate under national guidelines and social distancing.

“To everyone who managed to hold on to their recycling, or used public collection points to dispose of it, I want to offer special thanks. From the comments we have received over the past few weeks it is clear that many residents are as keen as we are to keep as much waste as possible out of landfill.

“Details of what can be recycled in your area are available on the council website.”

You can check when your next bin uplift is due by phoning: 01546 605514. Any previous calendars you have downloaded to mobile devices or PDF, will be valid once again – except for Bute.

If you have had to use your blue bin for general waste at any time over the past few weeks, we would ask that you wash it out before starting to use it again purely for recycling materials. Materials cannot be accepted for recycling if they are in any way contaminated.

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