As ɬ re-opens to tourism, and local people are getting out and about more, we are asking both our welcome visitors and residents to take care of the area and either bin their litter or take it home with them.
Most people treat the area with love and respect – and we are grateful - but some are leaving behind a variety of rubbish, ranging from carry-out food packaging, drinks cans and bottles to camping equipment. Camper van waste should only be emptied at dedicated disposal points as dumping it in public toilets or in the countryside can cause serious damage.
We are also seeing an increasing amount of facemasks being discarded at the side of the roads. These are classed as biohazard materials and need to be disposed of securely.
Councillor Robin Currie, ɬ Council’s Policy Lead for Housing, Roads and Infrastructure Services, said: “Lockdown has been long and hard on everyone. I fully understand people are keen to get out to enjoy the countryside – ɬ is an area of stunning, natural beauty - and we want to welcome you here.
“But it’s heartbreaking that there are some people who don’t value our precious communities and landscape. Please, if you are visiting ɬ – treat it as if you lived here too. And if you’re local, remember we are privileged to live here and are all custodians of this beautiful place.
“Discarding face-coverings in public places is downright irresponsible. Together, we have sacrificed so much to contain COVID-19 and earn a bit more freedom. Why put others a risk again?
“Please be responsible for your own litter. If bins are full, or you are in a place where there are none, bag it and take it away with you. It’s that simple. Don’t leave things behind that blight the landscape, endanger wildlife or public health.”