The Leader of ÓûÂþɬ Council has called on the Scottish Government to commit now to a permanent solution for the A83, after another landslide closed the key route today (30th January).
Councillor Aileen Morton said:
“The Scottish Government needs to make a commitment right now to finding a permanent solution for the A83 – no more prevaricating and faffing about, no more talking about processes and procedures, no more delays. The A83 is a crucial part of Argyll’s transport network and therefore a crucial part of Scotland’s transport network when you consider the scale of high value products such as whisky, timber and seafood that are produced here.
“The last landslip had a hugely negative impact on local businesses, and as well as day-to-day inconvenience for local residents it caused problems with essential services such as access to medical treatment. The Council and the people of ÓûÂþɬ have been asking for a permanent solution for a decade. Enough is enough – we need an announcement today that work is starting on finding a permanent solution.
The Leader’s call follows years of weather related closures to the road, and commitment by the Scottish Government to repairs rather than a permanent solution.