Energetic young people from across Bute are diving in to raise funds for school sport by taking part in a 24-hour swimathon in the newly-refurbished Rothesay swimming pool.
Forty six pupils from Rothesay Joint Campus, North Bute Primary and St Andrew’s Primary, have signed up to take part in the mammoth challenge, which will begin at noon on Thursday 6 February and continue through the night until noon on Friday 7 February.
Pupils will battle through fatigue and tiredness to swim 15 minute slots each every hour, for 24 hours.
The event, which is sponsored by a number of local business, will be officially opened by two national swimmers. A DJ will also keep youngsters entertained with music throughout the event.
ɬ Council’s Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, said: “Well done to everyone involved, from the young people taking part to the staff and volunteers who are giving up their time to support pupils.
“This is a great effort and a wonderful example of young people showing initiative and doing their bit for the school and local community. I hope lots of people go along to support them.”
If you would like to donate, please visit: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/rothesayjointcampus