
Update on Coll flight suspension

“We have done everything we can, to secure the continued service of flights to Coll. Despite financial challenges, we have investment in place to continue subsidising the service by £280 per seat and we have successfully completed the first stage of recruitment for a dedicated fire safety crew for the airport, which is a safety requirement under CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) legislation.

“Unfortunately even with support offered by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to temporarily continue their current service, circumstances on the island outwith our control meant we have had to suspend the air services as a temporary measure, due to safety grounds. Whilst it’s very disappointing that there’s been a need to suspend flights, health and safety remains our absolute priority. We will now move forward and provide the necessary airport safety training with the new recruits over a short period of time.

“A new council run fire safety crew for Colonsay airport has worked well and its flights will continue. We very much hoped to be able to support Coll with a continued air service as well and flights will be back up and running to Coll as soon as we can operate the airport safely.”

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