Partnership working is highlighted as key to ɬ’s recovery from the impact of covid-19, in an action plan agreed today.
The ɬ Recovery Action Plan outlines key themes for action to support the area in moving on from the pandemic and shaping the ‘new normal’.
These themes include:
- Economic and social recovery: supporting the economic recovery of ɬ
- Recovering council: creating covid-safe council workplaces and services
- Community strengthening: building back better; building on communities’ resilience, and developing how best to work in partnership with community organisations moving forward
- Transportation and infrastructure: reinstating services and meeting connectivity challenges
- Public Health: working with the public to address the risk from covid infection
A report, considered by the council’s Policy and Resources Committee today, highlights that recovery will depend on various factors, from protection level restrictions to Government policies and financial support.
It also highlights that while the council will lead action, recovery for the area can only be achieved along with local and national partner agencies, third, private and voluntary sectors, and local communities.
Councillor Robin Currie, Leader of the Council, said:
“It may not always feel like it, as we all continue to be affected in one way or another by covid-19, but this pandemic will end.
Although the situation is still evolving, developing recovery plans and actions now will put ɬ in the best position to move on effectively.
The fantastic partnership working that has been so vital in helping the area deal with covid-19 will be just as crucial in ensuring our recovery from it.”
More information about the recovery action plan.