
Council signs up to Household Recycling Charter

The council’s Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee has endorsed Zero Waste Scotland’s Household Recycling Charter and its Code of Practice.

This reinforces the council’s commitment to reducing its carbon emissions and tackling climate change.

ɬ already complies with the majority of the essential requirements outlined in the charter’s Code of Practice. However, that Code of Practice is coming under review in the light of new legislation, including the Deposit Return Scheme and the Landfill Ban.

By signing up to the charter, the council will be part of the consultation process when it is reviewed and therefore involved in ɬ development. This is important given that ɬ’s geography presents unique challenges when collecting and processing waste.

It will also be possible to apply for practical and financial support from Zero Waste Scotland to help ɬ comply with future charter guidelines.

Councillor Rory Colville, Policy Lead for Roads and Infrastructure Services, said: “We are delighted to be in the position to endorse the Household Recycling Charter.

“As a council, we are committed to reducing waste and increasing recycling. This features strongly in our plans to address climate change. Aligning with the charter puts us in a better position to make ɬ’s voice heard when decisions are made on how to tackle some of the most important issues facing the environment.”


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