We are working hard to deliver as many of our normal services as possible at this difficult time and we are grateful to the vast majority of the public who are supporting us in our efforts.
However, there is a minority putting our workers and their communities at risk through irresponsible behaviour.
For example, the Stag car park, Lochgilphead, was the scene of flytipping this week. Glass bottles were left stacked at the public recycling point despite the fact there was an almost-empty mixed glass collection skip a few feet away. In addition, bags of general waste were left strewn across the ground.
Councillor Robin Currie, Policy Lead for Housing, Roads and Infrastructure Services, said: “At this time, we all have to work together to look after each other and thankfully this is what most people are doing. Our sincere thanks to everyone for staying at home, respecting social distancing and caring for the community.
“Our staff will have to wear full PPE to protect themselves from possible infection and cuts as they remove this rubbish – wasting time and resources we don’t have at the moment. If employees become injured or ill that threatens our ability to deliver the services communities need.
“Flytipping anywhere is not only unacceptable, it is also an offence. Please make sure you don’t put yourself at risk of prosecution under any circumstances.”
We are now emptying public recycling collections points - for glass, plastic and cardboard - every four weeks, more often if possible. If you are using them, please respect social distancing measures and check national guidance at on keeping yourself safe. If the recycling points are full, please take your materials home with you and try again later.
Household bins are being emptied every two weeks and recycling and general waste will be collected at the same time.Please put out up to two bins on the day that you would normally put out your recycling (blue bin).
We have had to design new routes for bin collections on Bute and Kintyre to be able to accommodate collections every two weeks. You can find details of changes to all bin collections on our website.