McCaig’s Tower, Oban, will light up green during the week beginning 2 September to encourage families and friends to have discussions about organ donation.
This year’s Organ Donation Week takes place between 2 and 8 September.
Currently, at least one person on average dies every day in need of an organ transplant, often because families haven’t discussed the subject and made their wishes clear.
This is the week when individuals and organisations across the UK are encouraged to help raise awareness of organ and tissue donation. A key part of this year’s campaign is to urge everyone to take the time to consider donation and to make sure their family is aware of their decision.
There have been significant increases in donation and transplantation over the last decade. Legislation to introduce an opt-out system of organ and tissue donation for transplantation was passed by the Scottish Parliament on 11 June.
Provost Len Scoullar, said: “ɬ Council is very proud to be part of this campaign. In Scotland there are more than 550 people waiting for an organ transplant at any one time.
“By having a simple conversation with our loved ones, we have the ability to spare them a difficult decision at a traumatic time. And in making the decision to donate, we can save someone else’s family the pain of losing a loved one.”
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